





War of the words.

Reclaiming Conversation

In pursuing meaningful communication, using the correct words to express intent and emotion is essential. However, over time, certain words in the English language have been overused or morphed to the point where their original meaning has been diluted or completely forgotten. As a result, the impact of these words has diminished, leading to, well...misinterpretation.

Learning and preserving the true meaning of words in the English language is crucial. It involves delving deeper into their origins, contexts, and connotations to understand the intended meaning behind them. This process not only helps to enrich our vocabulary but also enables us to communicate more authentically.

This blog delves into the history of words, how they have changed through the years, who is behind this phenomenon, and how the average person has contributed to its demise.

Mincing Words Blog Mincing Words Blog

Open your eyes. Open your mind. Look beyond the obvious.

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Why do we do we use (or misuse) certain words?

Limited social interactions


Social media

Media (movies, music)

Lack of diverse reading material

Save time (shortcuts to convey a message quickly)

Stay in our comfort zone

Overused words have permeated our daily conversations and written communication. I am not referring to slang or colloquial expressions but rather words with a clear and precise definition. Specific terms have become so popular in modern society that they are frequently employed in various contexts, often losing their original impact and uniqueness. This overuse can lead to a dilution of meaning and a lack of creativity when conversing.

How many of these words do you use on a daily basis?

"You literally gave me a heart attack!"

"That hot dog looks amazing!"

"Like, what is her problem?"

"We had a really nice time."

"I had such a bad day!"

"I really love your dress!"

"He is basically an idiot."

"Do you need help? No, I'm good."

woman in white long sleeve shirt kissing girl in white long sleeve shirtwoman in white long sleeve shirt kissing girl in white long sleeve shirt

We should all be mindful of our words and aim to expand our vocabulary. By actively avoiding the overuse (or misuse) of certain words in our everyday language, we achieve more nuanced communication and make our conversations much more interesting (uh-oh, an overused word!).

Let talk.

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